Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Fall Out Story

In the rapid progress of today with hustle and bustle, whether we are conscious or not, all of us are seeking for recognition. It depends on what discipline are you in and the group of your choice but at the end of the day, money, power, influence and reputation is the ultimate dream. The brain cells of Asian are totally different from those people in the West where there are complete of everything. There’s nothing to searching for and everyone seem like very ambitious to be environmentalist.
A hometown boy who had just accepted to study at a town-university seems desperately seeking that cool image and personal adornment known as the city boy or at least as a child of the rich. It is normal that occur on college campuses. Not forgetting myself who once lived on the way to seek the identity of a metropolis. There are pros and cons, the good thing I fought myself to be a buddy in the town likewise improving my English, seek for better job but the bad thing is the folk value had been eroded bit by bit. When I enter my post-human, I back to my roots. It is an example of ordinary people just like me.

Other say earlier and later says another. Lenny Kravitz once claimed he just musician who wants to play music and nothing can change that and his enthusiastic. No ones can buy his music and he will against the commercialism. Look at him now? Is he’d been sold out or his glitter disc is considered the good act by the God.

It is easy to say rather than make things done. When people at the top they tend to forget what they say before. Reputation and power is always made people forget themselves. Sometimes it's good to be at well below in the working mood decreased. At least we know ourselves and spiritual cleaning process is going well. The last time when you were not in position it’ easy to talk people listen to grievances from the grassroots level. But when the senses are usually forget to post away. When the people outside started barking then we realized the mistakes. Damn it’s too late.

I am sick and tired to talk about this. Like Henry David Thoreau said any fool can make a rule, and every fool will mind it. Stay committed to your decisions, but stays flexible in your approach.”Tom Robbin said. I said that the giraffe is a max spinner. Believe it.

p/s To the "movie" director, lets just finished off the storyboard. Dont fool us like a magic show and this is not another Kardashian story.