Friday, April 16, 2010

Sepultura / APC Rio

Last year, I was getting my Khidmat Cemerlang and granted RM 1000. I was informed by Kak Ton when I touched down from Kuching. While getting back to my house, I asked the taxi driver to stop at one of the electricity outlets to purchase the air-cond set. The weather was so damn hot at that time and I can’t sleep with shirts. The heat is just that the degrees in Dubai and sometimes feel like naked. Wondering what’s in the world that man do, I just wish that the snow will be dropped down at Seri Kembangan. I used the money given for the air cond even I noticed by purchasing the set is a way of destroying the earth. I am one of the million who contributes for damaging to life on earth. Am I as same as the species of Godzilla? Now should I take it out the thing I purchased?What a waste. No I just off when it's unnecessary. I remembered one of the song when I was teenage. At that time I don't even understand what the singer was being throat out. After taking a related to environment course in ITM then only I found that the song was so meaningful to the mother nature. I publish it the lyrics here as my concern towards the mother nature and I support any efforts of making good the earth.

Biotech Is Godzilla

Rio Summit, '92 Street people kidnapped
Hid from view "To save the earth"
Our rulers met Some had other Secret plans

No... No... No... No...

Biotech Biotech Biotech
Say what?

Strip-mine the Amazon
Of cells of life itself
Gold rush for genes is on
Natives get nothing

Biotech Biotech Biotech
Is Godzilla

Mutations cooked in labs
Money-mad experiments
New food + medicine?
New germs + accidents!
Like Cubatao
"World's most polluted town"
Air melts your face
Deformed children all around
Ain't what's so bad
Like all technology
It's in the wrong hands

Cut-throat corporations
Don't give a damn
When lots of people die
From what they've made

Biotech Biotech Biotech Is A.I.D.S.?


Rio Summit, Rio Conference, Earth Summit (Portuguese: Eco '92) was a major United Nations conference held in Rio de Janeiro from June 3 to June 14, 1992.
It was an agreement on the Climate Change Convention which in turn led to the Kyoto Protocol. Another agreement was to "not carry out any activities on the lands of indigenous peoples that would cause environmental degradation or that would be culturally inappropriate". Now, we are in the year of 2010 and have we seen the mother earth is currently appropriate? It has been 18 years ago and we still not keeping to what we are promise before

P/s Congrats to Sabri /Zaimi & the rest who being rewarded APC this year.Whenever I see my aircond, it reminds me that I was ever being rewarded by the office. The God is definitely fair.