Sunday, January 20, 2013

New Year Sermon

LGE just threw the bombshell via his Christmas speech by suggesting that Christian should be allow to use Allah in their Bible.  Todd and I have discovered this in fact Todd had review on Bible opinion on that suggestion.

Bible actually has two parts.The first part is The Old Testament originally in Hebrew and the word for God is Elohim in Hebrew. The second part is The New Testament was originally written in Greek and the word God in Greek is Theos. The book of revelation ( which is the last chapter  of Bible) chapter 22 verse 18 and 19 was written that “if anyone adds or remove a word from the book God will give unto them the plagues that are written in this book”. It is clearly the bible also reject the use of any name including Allah to replace the God. Moral of the story, if Christian never bothers to put the Allah in the Bible, why LGE and some Muslims were so eager to surrender their God’s name to Bible and who is LGE, I believe he was not neither Muslim nor Christian. I don’t understand that.

Logically in this year and coming years technology and rocket science is something deniable so that they just can come out the Bible apps and anyone just can upload into their respective android. Put this way, my daughter has been taught as Allah is one from the school and I  but by browsing the Malay version of bible which stated that Allah has son she then confuse. Who are going to be responsible for this kind of confusion and wrong mixed information? Fortunately Majlis Syura Pas also has made another stand not to accept the name of Allah in Bible even last time they play on safe side for their political millage.  Lately it just clearly that Islamophobia had been arise even in this country. It may the sign form the creator and even Allah names also had been politicized and manipulated.  This is absolutely an offensive to Muslim.

January 2013 is the mother of all political month. Indeed it is the beginning of a year supposedly be positive things where people started to gear-up their vision and ambition in this month. Starting by January 12 for 11203 Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat which was big rallied at Stadium Merdeka, the Listen, listen, listen drama at UUM and the current one an offensive to Islam by Patrick Teoh .

With various version of political drama  and plot of vengeance at the beginning of the year believe me, people start to confuse who to votes in coming election  and confusing is good for certain political stand.

Happy New Year 2013 and Happy Nightmare

Ps: - For what whatever purpose and technical problems, I had failed to load this post to my blog for quite several time .Due what technical purpose which I don’t understand, I had late loading it up and sorry if the gist has taken by the event.