Sunday, October 10, 2010

History Channel

When I was in Standard Four, one of my favorite subjects is Alam & Manusia. It is a compress of numerous subjects like Geography, Science, and History due to the implementation of KBSR (primary school new curricular). That was in the year of 1987.
One of the chapters in Alam & Manusia is Tamadun – Tamadun Awal Dunia (The Early Civilization.

Yesterday I flipped through my old text book, and try to catch the contents, just feel like to fill in something "good" inside my brain. From the text book, I saw several early civilizations such as Rome (Italy), Athens (Greece), Huang Ho (China), Mohenjo-Daro - Hapratta (India), Nil (Egypt), Babylon (Iraq) and Islam (Saudi). I then tried to digest myself by comparing those countries and their current situation. True enough, those countries where were claimed as the human civilized earliest founded are nothing much compare to now except China. The rest, there are worse than the new –age countries if you look at the real situation.

Iraq now is crash boom bang state of land while Greece is suffering with the economic crisis together with Italy. The Italian must realized that Da Vinci left the portrait in Louvre,Paris and he left nothing for Italy except sharing the name with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Well, The Leaning Tower of Pisa is metaphorically is the real picture of Italy. (Some Italian still don’t get into the picture and they just don’t want to admit that Da Vinci is a bloody gay person). The Egypt is still surviving after signing Camp David but nothing can be proud off except their Al Azhar, Pyramid and the state of wrath betrayer.Just view the scenic of Cairo and you might think it is third world country.

What we can see as developed countries now is in America which is founded by Columbus in 1493 which consider as new age country Japan, England, France, Germany and Korea. These countries have not been stated as the early civilization. These countries appeared and surfaced on World War and some were considered “after dinosaur countries”.

Past few weeks I had a chance to watch Eat Pray Love at East Coast Mall and one of the locations was being shot in India. Despite of the spiritual and superstitious thing, the development of India is terrible and dirty. The underage beggars were mushroomed along the spine roads and the cow dung ornamented left and right . The opening ceremony of Commonwealth Games makes me smile and I feel sorry to those athletes for their bad hospitality. The situation in India makes me jump into conclusion that the glory of past history means nothing, if we do nothing now for tomorrow. A lesson that I really want to teach my daughters.