Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wind Of Change

The lyrics are such beautiful words and if noble prize could be awarded to a song as an art masterpiece, Peter Frampton should be the person to receive that for the lyric’s composing. I don’t intend to sing this song and this nothing to deal with Klaus Meine, Rudolf Schenker or Scorpions.
The gist is change and some say it might be good for us to do some changes if we find something routinely error has been done. So many words had been coined recently represents changes like transform, reformasi and vote for change but does change is really change or it just the matter of getting popular and a slogan.

Iraq had been exploded just because of the fabricated wind of change and same goes to Afghanistan. Do that change good and benefit to the civilians now? Some agencies have seen so called transformed but without realizing they acted like federal correctional institute even their role might be just to lay the grass.
Philippine had many changes of their top post man but they’d seem never change physically and financially. Most of the time, the word change has been damaged rhetorically by the man who wooed the word. Are they really “walk the talk” or still sleepwalking?.

Sheryl Crow once sang a change would do you good and one must bear in mind is every day is winding road. So walk and just follow the road. Hence, we are mould on what we are being molded. Easy said than done.

Writing in blogs nowadays is a big challenge as many fickle minded people eyeing on you so that we must very careful on the choice of words. If they misinterpret on what you write meaning to say you are really in deep shit. Look what happen to Dato' Rocky.Why? Because they cannot fight on you on this screen .If they start to write the blog , no ones will read.