Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort

This article no need an image because the focused personnel is too hideous, rotten and imbeciles.

I must be the most gender-hatred if my opinion parallel to conventional Muslim. I believe that the women cannot be a total leader. Maybe Zainah Anwar won't agree with me on that, so do the SIS as well. But I just want to gibe a clear picture, a good example of power abusing of the administration division happens in my office now. The conducive environment of the workplace is being killed by one iron lady – our new PU. I heard so many complains by the subordinates who really unsatisfied with the way she led the division. Some of them are really disappointed with their SKT marks which is too low as it is they are not working at all.

Now, every document or data must be sent to her first where else previous practice was given directly to the clerks i.e. the TNT claim. There are a lot more examples that she tried to create another bureaucracy in our small office. One of the staff was alleged by creating a fraud claim without any prima facie. The punishment came before the investigation and it was stated on his SKT. I, myself had been instructed to quit from leading a committee for the ex- KP retirement occasion. Any of memos to book the meeting room must be signed by TKP before getting her endorsement. Gosh... This women’s ego must be higher than the God. The past history of Isabelle the Conqueror describes the fall of an empire. That is the situation when someone misleads the office. Niamah !!