Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The truth is.....

Most Malaysian likes to put on some < Ajinomoto whether in their foods or in their stories .This is the sugar and spice of our culture. But when something big had been exploded like the case of jet’s engine, everybody seems to like point finger each other. The mainstream paper, had been reported that the engines value most probably RM 50 million and bla…bla… Then the public start hypothesized of the Big Gun involvement. The top people reportedly said only short gun involved in this case. Now, it is being widespread speculated because of the high value of the engines and due to the poor national security system. I contacted my friend which is one of the “big guns" there to get the information. So this is our conversation via sms.
Me : XXXXX , Betoi ka x ada boss besaq terlibat dlm kes enjin jet tu ?
My friend : Tak dak la , direct deal ja …depa ja..
Me : Depa deal ngan sapa ha…
My friend : Sjn tu ngan comp tu la…dia dpt pun tak sampai RM 100k..yg aku tau la..
Me : Eleh ckitnye .Yg ckp juta2 dlm paper tu xbetoi la?
My friend :Rega dia sebiji Rm 50j…
Me : Ooh tu macam ka.thnx for giving me the truth.nasib baik hang tak terlibat.kalao
x mesti dah kaya..huhuhuh
My friend : Gilo hang ni. "
P/s I wonder how rich is the 'taukeh ajinomoto' compare to the engine's stealer ?