Sunday, August 8, 2010

Home Sweet Home

August, Malaysian as usual, is geared to independence celebrating month. Overlapped with Ramadan, it will be no excuse to feel more patriotic, yet the Muslim would be more enjoy performing ibadah as being granted long holidays by the government.

These days many people think of migrating. They feel that the grass is greener on other field. They complain about the shortage of job here. The brain drain had been the main issue and yet the country is flooded by the “drain” (read: not quality foreigner).

Inspired from Irfan Khairy (a millionaire) “if you don’t get rich in this country, you re dumb, there are business borderless in Malaysia and just grab it “ In reality , we are responsible on what we choose and what we’ve been chosen, so that to be succeed in this country is just on our own choice. If we choose to championing in business there‘s no one to stop you unless the very small red tape. Yaah.. Easy said than done.

Bukan senang nak jadi senang and that is typically what Malays had said? True enough.. But don’t blame the country if you feel misery in your life. It just our bloody own choice. I don’t quite agree if many people said the politic play a big role in succeeding life. As for me , just put it this way, when Boon Siew setting up his Honda Cup as a small business there was no political wheel on his side at that time. The late Tan Sri Nasimuddin proved himself as AP manipulator first, before he then championing the automobile industry. The hard efforts are ladder to success (direct translation).

The political move just an excuse. Why Hisamuddin Rais still using the public transport, and looks grungy, is his bloody own choice and why AC Mizal drove Bentley to the Pavilion and succeeding his bracelet business also his bloody own choice. Politic is just an escapism to the lazy people.

But if most people think wisely and give Malaysia a chance they will realize that it is possible to make a living here and that ultimately there is no place better than home.
P/s Just get your old record of Savage Amusement. There's one song entitled " Don't Stop At The Top, Touch The Sky Before You Drop" and Motley Crue's Home Sweet Home also sounds authentic.