Tuesday, March 27, 2012

From the blog everywhere

Hj. Mohamed bin Sabu or his nom de plume Mat Sabu ,wrote about the history of the local mass media and the story behind that. It sounds fact with some rationales reason. Just write because when you open your mouth , please aware to hire a lawyer behind you.

Rock n roll is all always associated with rebellious and anger said Hishamuddin Rais in his latest post. It’s true indeed. But after of some process of wash, mix and match it is now every one’s music, acceptable and marketable. No ones can said it is under the shell or isolated. Talking about Rock N Roll and at the same time tuned to Search old numbers " melastik ke bintang".

Jailani Haron view is acceptable which something hard and heavy should be taken in response of the Erykah Badu's tatoo . "Shooting down" The Star is practically enforced in order to tone down the conventional sentimen here. Apparently , Samad Said's NST daughter said putting ink on body means shows someone/something we loved ? Eeew..I object that sorry for I sound a bit religious but in that sense I hold my religion tightly.

This time listen to your heart then don’t listen to Isa Samad . They just camouflage your land to press it into juices. They want to cash out the money from your good land. Zaid sometimes is useful through his good advice to the felda settlers but his flip flop makes people puke on which side on his shoes.

The lifecycle of human is close to that. Some times in upper head and some, viceversa. I am at the ass of wheel now.