Monday, April 2, 2012

Vote for Change or Vote for Remain

Every time I purpose to travel to Thailand then explosion comes and riot run down. What a curse ..? Maybe that’s the only headlines that give me keen to hear now.

TV3’s news recently is getting into my nerve and I couldn’t stand it anymore. Publishing invisible ghost bulletin is being their subject matters of the first twenty minutes. Win at all cost is doing in every way. Both side play fool and appears tendencies to crown the power. In my country politic mean power racing at all cost. After polling day then, keep quiet and eat all cakes.

Frankly Malaysia such a beautiful country and too many things being subsidized perhaps many people keep complaining the household priced up every day. Here we practiced low tax with low price of services but all domestic stuff are at suffocate price where else in outstate they practiced the other way around. By and large both are same practiced where the ledger will cumulative the figure of total amount spent. Some said we deserve better and why?

It seems PR offers much better but BN‘s efforts to heal the pain and damage control also undeniable. Then, who’s who and which’s which? A bit hard for those who is very in the middle like me but aren’t this type of people would change the result?

I better see the name first before making any decision.