Sunday, April 15, 2012

Exodus Prayer

I finished my last Friday with full of sin by ignoring Friday’s prayer. Inviting two mothers and an unmarried colleague to IKEA finally granting me bad payback . I had to re- queue for my lunch meal after one of them having hearing problem or maybe ENT. I get punked. From that , Zareene always the best choice of mine.

The week is begun very dull and like most every day, my boss laid his ass on my visitor’s chair. We chatted for twenty minutes before I went out for pooh – pooh. Pressing out all the junks is good escapism . I‘d rather do my work without having casual chat with him and not even a cup of coffee. But he'd seem adore to talk to me.Sharing something stupid and bad jokes are quite interesting with him sometimes.
Well,waiting for postgraduate application to be opened is so stressed and suffocated. 6th May for UM and UITM, I had to wait the announcement. Ohh yeah .. I need an exodus. At least meeting someone new, getting new challenge, new environment and everything is new. I need a better life. Having violin class on Monday morning, Quran class on Tuesday, next day for driving range and having Davidoff cofee at my front yard is something irresistable. This is not at all impossible but certainly a little bit difficult after the great damage done to the very fabric of my horse power that has held me together since Jaspal enter my department. He screwed everything.

Submitting my last paper for HLP application for local university was the best choice I made. Considering the burden and those financial headaches by two of friends who pursued out states, off course their choice shouldn't be a good carbon copy. Maybe it just practical for me to go out states as a tourist , not as student. I cannot live beyond our means and continue to be debt-ridden to the point of bankruptcy just to facilitate the study holiday in other country and handing out hugely unrealistic life.

Oh God please make September this year faster than ever.