Thursday, May 31, 2012

The "real" estate exercise

Neither Irshad Manji nor Mario Balotelli, they are none of my business. These two issues are just peanut compare to what a heavy load on my head now. Verifying the uncertainty and confirming a fix price without checking is the mortal sin and it's like committing suicide. Doing something at lost is a forbidden paradigm. Though capitalist  leads to the world's rotten, the beauty thing inside it is, it always teach us to gain the maximum profit margin. But this time , I fall into the pool of capitalism darkness and demonize by decent people. Something that it shouldn't be, and now it happens.   
The best experience is the worst experience. Taking real estate for my postgraduate studies doesn’t guarantee an enough bowl of rice  in property investment. Recently, I may lose my deposit if withdraw the sales and purchase agreement. My last two houses purchases were never being like this. I was never being manipulated by the price either house owner or agents. I always negotiate at a good price  though I am not as good as Donald Trump, a real estate billionaire.  Lesson no. 1 is ,before purchase any house or sign any s&p, check the property’s value with the valuer. Neither the owners’s price nor agent’s price, both are always jack the price up to the sky.Both are always at superstitious and they imagine to be rich at fast track.   I signed for something that the price is about the four years in the future now I am facing the music for paying high installment. I wish that a miracle comes on and the purchasing can be proceeded or else, I will lose some thousands. ** feel like  a sore loser now**