My father is the most inspiration of everything and he the kind of a man with thousand advises. I was moulded physically and emotionally from him. People would easily recognize me as his son from my feature physically and from the way I sit. Both of us will lift our right leg up and put on to the other one and that’s habitually inherited to me.
Those days, what was given, meaning that you just take it and we don't question much to our father and it's different to kids nowadays. Though I am that kind of stubborn but I do listen to him what things I considered logic to follow.My father was a well-respected teacher by the folks and his knowledge in religious is certificate proven. So that, people called him as Ustaz Ali and he was the master founder of Madrasah Islahiyyah Islamiah at my hometown and also was the first headmaster of that school. As a religious teacher, the solat is the most priority for him and I was always being punished if failed to perform pray. The dicipline is always the major thing in his brain cells but not me and I was always his biggest problem.
Brought up as the only son in the family I never gives me any specialty or get any imunity from my wrongdoings perhaps I was always being punished more than my sisters in the family.He tied me at a tree after found out I was the one who get involved in poo production by the roadside. (hahaha...) Since that ,my life was always his favourite TV programme and he will monitor from dusk till dawn, day to night. My sisters always said that I born with pentagram printed because of my naughtius maximus.
Brought up as the only son in the family I never gives me any specialty or get any imunity from my wrongdoings perhaps I was always being punished more than my sisters in the family.He tied me at a tree after found out I was the one who get involved in poo production by the roadside. (hahaha...) Since that ,my life was always his favourite TV programme and he will monitor from dusk till dawn, day to night. My sisters always said that I born with pentagram printed because of my naughtius maximus.
I registered at my secondary school alone and at that time my father decided not to accompanied for my first day school as he tought I was big enough to solve the registration. Since that ,I considered myself totally free from my Father's Occupation. But after I made a spoilt issue and hooked up with some bad things in Form Four he then sent me to SAHC and that's the best decision he ever made as a father.If not, I might involve with drug trafficking now or even worse being hanged.
It is hard for a man to express the love towards another man unless they are gay loving couple. Same goes to a son to his father. I see most of my friends; they are not quite good condition with their father but not me. Maybe the ego thing play a big role to a guy on why they cant get closer with their father. I did have problems last time during my pagan time but now we are in the very good condition. He is not kind of proud of me and I am damn proud to be his son. Since he he realized I'm a "human" now, then we can talk everything together from politics, lifestyle, religious thing but mostly he always wants to talk about politics and religious, a topic that he master about.
No matter what damage I've done, from the moment you tied me at one of trees at the back yard,you screwed me in public, rotan and everything that blantantly punished me, I do appreciate what you had done to me and I love you forever. I am happy to be your next down line mould and proud of it. Happy father’s day from your "only "son who now also entitled as a father.