Before I went to Malacca for my ISO course, I viewed Awani reported Malacca had spotted five major places as free smoking zone. And now those smokers in Malacca will be considered the public enemy and they can be compounded up to RM 5000. Wuyoo..What ‘s shocked me was Malaysian Insider reported that Suara Anak Malaysia (Suaram) said that the gazzetment of the nods places are violating the human right. What human’s right? Who’s right?
“People have (the) right to smoke,” Suaram co-ordinator E. Nalini told The Malaysian Insider today. Nalini..you such a jack ass.
“We all have health concerns, but it should be done in a proper way... provide alternative places for smokers in all five districts,” she added. My foot lah.. Do they ever think that exhaled smoke is also putting the public as a second hand smoker and that does can kill them?Or those in Suaram members are all heavy smokers? The truth is World Health Organisation (WHO) reportedly said last month that smoking could kill eight million people a year by 2030, up from the current annual death toll of five million.