KL Gangster is a fool story with a lot of fights that never digest any cells of your brain. I might be was influenced by the figures shows on mainstream media and 10 million is a big number for local movie. Unfortunately, it is definitely not as good as The Godfather or Donny Brasco. It is just something cheap idea from Yusof Haslam Jr. Two problematic siblings and getting involve with gangsters and being manipulated by their leader. Until the end of story there were no such illegal thing the clans had done except fight and kill people. There were no drug trafficking, corruption, prostitution and it just fight and fight until the end of story. The script was so harsh and but it doesn’t justify gangsterism. Gangsterism in not just bad mouth and fighting, it is also about illegal money laundering, hookers, drugs, smuggling and many more. A typical Malay hero who returned back from the past wrongdoing and finally see his praying mats but trapped into clan territory seized by two gangsters Dragon and King. Two chauvinistic character brought by Shark who betrayed King and Jai who betrayed his lord, Dragon just to show the flow of KL gangsterism and how does their organization chart’s work in flow if they failed to collect the protection money. A very easy predicted movie with a lot of fights and harsh words. A movie that deliberately made to resume from the production that really hunger of Malaysian Ringgit. No star but porn star.